
Sample: Statement of Purpose for Master's in Germany 2024

Are you looking for a PDF, template or example for your SOP for a Master's application at a German University? Here is what you can find, and why you should generally NOT use it.

As you may already be aware, no matter whether you are applying for a Bachelor's, Master's, scholarship or student visa in Germany, you need to write a Statement of Purpose (SOP). When it comes specifically to Master's in Germany, over 90% of German Master's programs include the SOP in the list of compulsory application documents. Moreover, in the case of Master’s admissions, the weight of this document usually varies from 10% to 40% of the total application score. In other words, you need to take the SOP seriously if you want to get into your desired Master's program in Germany. The problem is that, based on our experience and research, students usually find SOP-writing is the most challenging task of their application. 


That's why many students browse the internet to find a high-quality SOP sample. Unfortunately, this decision can lead to dramatic consequences because


Students end up using a poor SOP sample as a guide, as finding a very good SOP example is extremely difficult (and they are by virtue of their situation unable to tell the difference), and/or


Students end up plagiarizing

Both of these generally lead to students having their applications rejected. In order to help you to avoid this trap, in this article, we decided to address the key issues when it comes to the Statement of Purpose sample for Master's in Germany.

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What is a Statement of Purpose for Master's in Germany?

Generally speaking, a Statement of Purpose (SOP) is a (mandatory) application document requested by most German universities in which you demonstrate your motivation to get into the given study program/ scholarship/visa/etc. and explain why you are the best fit/candidate. Put another way, it is through the SOP that you can "advertise" yourself in the best possible ways (i.e., showing your strengths, your determination, your qualifications, and so on) and make a formal request for placement. The same is true for the rationale behind the Statement of Purpose when it comes to applying to Master's degree programs in Germany.

Do German Universities provide SOP Samples?

No, German universities do not provide Statement of Purpose samples. This is done intentionally, as SOP writing is supposed to be an open-ended task. At most, German universities sometimes provide students with guidelines for writing their SOP. We provide several examples in the table below.

Table: Statement of Purpose Guidelines by German Master's Programs


Further Reading

SOP for a Master's in Germany: A Guide 2024

Why should you NOT use a Statement of Purpose sample?


Samples are usually of low quality


The Internet is full of SOP samples. However, we do not suggest relying on these while writing your own SOP for your German master's program applications. As was already mentioned, one of the reasons is that, in most cases, the quality of these SOP examples is quite poor. To be more precise, 90% of the Statement of Purpose samples that you can find on the Internet would be rejected by selective German master's programs. Why? Because the guidance they provide in terms of format, content, length, etc. in general does not meet the expectations of German professors, the people who will check your SOPs and decide whether they accept you or not. You can find examples of these kinds of bad SOP samples here.


High risk of plagiarism


Even if the sample is of high quality, you still should not heavily rely on it, as you might end up plagiarizing it, which is a no-go. You should rather use the good SOP sample as a general guideline for the purpose of getting an overall idea of what the SOP should look like. In general, if you plagiarize or copy anything directly from any source, you will not be able to get away with it. The study program will find out about it, and your application will be immediately rejected

You can find examples of good Statement of Purpose samples here. Although the Charité University Medical School (based in Berlin) does not specifically provide a sample, we strongly suggest you to read through their advice regarding SOP writing, which is relevant for various Master's programs in Germany. You can find their recommendations here.


Advice Box

If you want to be on the safe side and at the same time learn how to write a very good Statement of Purpose for your German Master's program application, check out our comprehensive video course on this topic and familiarize yourself with our articles, which you can find here. By the way, in our video course, you can also find a high-quality Statement of Purpose sample created by our team!


Do not forget about the danger of plagiarism! Just use our sample (or any other high-quality sample) for the purpose of getting an overall idea of what the SOP should look like.